Jumat, 29 November 2013

Web Penetration Testing with Kali Linux

Book Description

Kali Linux is built for professional penetration testing and securityauditing. It is the next-generation of BackTrack, the most popular open-source penetration toolkit in the world. Readers will learn how to think like real attackers, exploit systems, and expose vulnerabilities.

Even though web applications are developed in a very secure environment and have an intrusion detection system and firewall in place to detect and prevent any malicious activity, open ports are a pre-requisite for conducting online business. These ports serve as an open door for attackers to attack these applications. As a result, penetration testing becomes essential to test the integrity of web-applications. Web Penetration Testing with Kali Linux is a hands-on guide that will give you step-by-step methods on finding vulnerabilities and exploiting web applications.

Book Details

Publisher:Packt Publishing
By:Joseph MunizAamir Lakhani
File size:21.2 MB
File format:PDF


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Operating System

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